To Live in My Body, 2014

 Introduction and Contents




This year I want to learn to live in my body

     not just my mind



     We all live in our bodies

                 We can’t live anywhere else


We are bound by our skin

     moved by our muscles

                 supported by our bones

                             fed by our blood and lungs

                                         organized by our brains

Of course we live in our bodies


But I’m not sure I have...not really

A dancer all my life


I suspect I have not really lived in the body that gives me life

I mean, consciously


I think I’ve always been somewhere else

     striving for something else

                 just around the corner...just out of reach

I can almost taste it

If only I could catch up

     do whatever I have to do

                 work faster

                             work more perfectly

to get there

...and then...


then I can relax

     come back to me

                 back to me and my body


This year, however, I have decided to try

to let that go

find what it feels to be me

what it feels to be me in my body


I wonder if I will like the ‘me’ I meet?

© A. Maie 2014


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